Products related to Rivalry:
Pengarron Rivalry
Can happiness be found in a family ruled by duty?A new generation of the Pengarron family enter centre-stage with the departure of Lady Kerensa and Sir Oliver for London. Kelynen, their youngest daughter, is left resentful and upset by her father’s treatment of her: though she had been looking forward to running the estate single-handedly, Sir Oliver has unexpectedly forbidden it, and instead ordered her brother Luke, the selfish son and heir, to forget his playwriting career and return to Pengarron.It seems at first that only Kane, the eldest of the siblings – and the only one to be adopted – is truly happy… Pengarron Rivalry is the fifth and final book in the sweeping Pengarron Sagas and an ideal read for fans of Janet Woods, Anna Jacobs or Poldark. The Pengarron SagasPengarron LandPengarron PridePengarron's ChildrenPengarron DynastyPengarron Rivalry
Price: 9.99 £ | Shipping*: 3.99 £ -
Tesfom and Habtom's Rivalry
"ህáˆáŠ½ ተስáŽáˆáŠ• ሃብቶáˆáŠ•áŠ¥á‹š ዛንታ ብዛዕባ ካብ 1952 á‹“ ሠጀሚረን áŠáˆ³á‰¥ 1973 ኣብ ኣስመራ ን21 ዓመታት á‹á‰•áˆ˜áŒ£ á‹áŠá‰ ራ áŠáˆá‰° ስድራ ቤታት’á‹© ዘዘንቱᢠተስáŽáˆáŠ• ሃብቶáˆáŠ• ካብ áŠáˆá‰° ጎረባብትን ደቂ ሓደ ዓዲን á‹áŠ¾áŠ‘ᣠáŒáˆ«á‹áˆ›á‰½ ስለጠáŠáŠ• ባሻዠጎá‹á‰µáŠ¦áˆáŠ• á‹á‰ ሃሉ ወለዲ á‹á‰°á‹ˆáˆˆá‹± እዮáˆá¢ ከሠጎረባብቲ ብሓንሳብ ሓመድ እናቛሓሙን እናተጻወቱንᣠኣብ ሓደ ቀጽሪ እዮሠዓብዮáˆá¢ ከሠኩሎሠቆáˆá‹‘ ኸኣ እናተመሓዘá‹áŠ• እናተጻáˆáŠ¡áŠ•á£ ሓንሳብ áትዠሓንሳብ ጽáˆáŠ¥ እናተበሃሃሉ ዓበዩá¢áŠ£á‰¥ ዕድመ ናዠትáˆáˆ…áˆá‰² áˆáˆµ በጽሑ ኸኣᣠብናዠደረጃ መáŠá‰£á‰¥áˆ® ááˆáˆá‹«á‰µ ተስáŽáˆ ትáˆáˆ…áˆá‰± áŠá‰•áŒ½áˆ ከሎᣠሃብቶሠáŒáŠ• ንስድራ ቤቱ áŠáˆ•áŒá‹ ትáˆáˆ…áˆá‰± ኣቋሪጹ ናብ ስራሕን ንáŒá‹µáŠ• ዓለሠተዋáˆáˆ¨á¢ áŠáˆá‰²áŠ¦áˆ ሰብኡት áˆáˆµ ኮኑንᣠተመáˆá‹•á‹®áˆ ሓዳሠመስሪቶሠኣብ á‹áˆ‹á‹µ áˆáˆµ በጽሑንᣠእንደጌና áŠáˆ«áŠ¸á‰¡ ጽቡቕ ኣጋጣሚ ረኸቡá¢á‰ á‹š áˆáŠ½áŠ•á‹«’á‹š áŠá‰€áˆ«áˆ¨á‰¡ áˆáˆµ ጀመሩ ኸኣᣠኣብ áˆá‹•áˆŠ ናዠቀደሠመዕበያኦáˆáŠ• ጉáˆá‰¥á‰µáŠ“ኦáˆáŠ•á£ áቕሪ ወለዶሠተወሲኹዎᣠናብ ሽáˆáŠáŠá‰µáŠ• ብáˆáŒáŠ“ áˆá‰µáˆ“ሓá‹áŠ• በቕዑᢠኣብቲ ሓድሽ á‹áˆ˜áˆµáˆ¨á‰µá‹Ž ሓዳáˆáŠ• ናብራን ከኣᣠንሳቶሠመሳáˆáˆ•á‰µáŠ• ጎረባብትንᣠኣንስቶሠመድህንን ኣáˆáŒ‹áŠáˆ½áŠ• ከኣᣠመሓዙትን መማኸáˆá‰²áŠ•á£ ብተወሳኺ ደቆሒá‹áŠ• መማህáˆá‰µáŠ• መጻá‹á‰µáŠ• áŠáŠ¾áŠ‘ ኸኣሉᢠእዚ ናá‹á‹˜áŠ• ሓደስቲ á‹á‰°áˆ˜áˆµáˆ¨á‰³ áŠáˆá‰° ስድራ ቤት ጉáˆá‰¥á‰µáŠ“ᣠáŠá‰² á‹áŠá‰ ረ áˆáŠá‰¥ ብá‹á‹«á‹³ ኣቀራረቦን ኣáˆáŒŽá‹¶áŠ•á¢ በዚ ዕድሒዚ ተጠቒሞሠከኣᣠቆáˆá‹‘ን ኣንስትን ኣá‹á‹®áˆ áሉዠáˆá‰…áˆáˆ«á‰¥áŠ• áቕáˆáŠ• áŠáˆáˆµáˆá‰± በቕዑᢠደቆáˆáŠ• ኣንስቶáˆáŠ• ጥራዠዘá‹áŠ®áŠ‘ ኣሕዋት ተስáŽáˆáŠ• ሃብቶáˆáŠ• ኣáˆáŠ£á‹«áŠ• á‹°áˆáˆ›áˆµáŠ•’á‹áŠ• ከá‹á‰°áˆ¨á‰ መሳáˆáˆ•á‰¶áˆáŠ• ሓገá‹á‰¶áˆáŠ• áŠáŠ¾áŠ‘ በቕዑᢠበዚ ኸኣ ዓበá‹á‰² ወለዲ ተሓጎሱን ተሓበኑንá¢áŠ¨áˆá‹š’ሎሠብኹሉ ኹሉ እናተመሓየሹን እናሰሰኑን áŠáˆµáŒ‰áˆ™ ጀመሩᢠከáˆá‹š ኢሎሠካብ ዓወት ናብ ዓወት እናተሰጋገሩ ኸለá‹á£ ኣብ ሞንጎ áŠáˆá‰²áŠ¡ ስድራ ቤታት ብሓáˆáˆ»á£ ብáላዠከኣ ኣብ ሞንጎ ተስáŽáˆáŠ• ሃብቶáˆáŠ• ዘáˆáˆµáŠ“á‹áŠ• ዘá‹áˆá‰…ዳá‹áŠ• áŠáŠ½áˆ°á‰µ ጀመረᢠብሰላáˆáŠ• ብá‰áˆŠáˆ‰áŠ• áŠáታሕ á‹áŠ½áŠ¥áˆ á‹áŠá‰ ረ áŒáˆáŒá‰µá£ ናብ ከቢድ ጽáˆáŠ¥áŠ• ቂáˆá‰³áŠ• ዓረገá¢áŠ¥á‹š ባእስን ጽáˆáŠ¥áŠ•’ዚᣠንኽáˆá‰²áŠ¡ ስድራ ቤታትንᣠኣንስቶáˆáŠ• ቆáˆá‹‘ቶáˆáŠ• ኣናወጾáˆá¢ እዚ áŠá‹Šáˆ•áŠ• á‹á‰°áˆ“ላለኸን ዛንታ’ዚᣠካብ áŠáˆá‰° á‹á‰°áˆáˆ‹áˆˆá‹¨ ጠባá‹áŠ• ባህáˆáŠ• ስáˆá‹’ትን ድኽመትን áŠá‰’ሎáˆá£ ብጽáˆáŠ¥áŠ• ቂáˆá‰³áŠ• ድኽመትን ዓዊሮáˆáŠ• ተሰኒáŽáˆáŠ• እቲ ሕáˆá‰€á‰¶áˆ ድኽመቶáˆáŠ•á£ ንኣኣቶáˆáŠ• ንሙሉእ ስድራ ቤቶáˆáŠ• ዘስዓበሎሠáŠá‹áŒ½áŠ•á£ ዘኸተሎ ሓáˆáŒŽáŒ½áŒŽáŒ½áŠ• áŠáˆ³áˆ«áŠ• ሃስያን ዘዘንቱ ዛንታ’á‹©á¢
Price: 19.33 £ | Shipping*: 3.99 £ -
Adidas Rivalry Low 86 White Gray Gz2556 Rivalry Low 86 cWhite Greone oWhite 280
Dimensions: See product tag Material: 60% natural leather (small), 40% polyester Handling Precautions: See Product Tag size chart Size: 220, Foot Length:22cm Size: 225, Foot Length:22.5cm Size: 230, Foot Length:23cm Size: 235, Foot Length:23.5cm Size: 240, Foot Length:24cm Size: 245, Foot Length:24.5cm Size: 250, Foot Length:25cm Size: 255, Foot Length:25.5cm Size: 260, Foot Length:26cm Size: 265, Foot Length:26.5cm Size: 270, Foot Length:27cm Size: 275, Foot Length:27.5cm Size: 280, Foot Length:28cm Size: 285, Foot Length:28.5cm Size: 290, Foot Length:29cm Size: 295, Foot Length:29.5cm Size: 300, Foot Length:30cm We use size JP throughout our sneaker (measured in mm) products. This is a standardized size chart. Sizes may vary slightly To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.
Price: 74.12 £ | Shipping*: 0.0 £ -
Adidas Rivalry Low 86 White Gray Gz2556 Rivalry Low 86 cWhite Greone oWhite 280
Dimensions: See product tag Material: 60% natural leather (small), 40% polyester Handling Precautions: See Product Tag size chart Size: 220, Foot Length:22cm Size: 225, Foot Length:22.5cm Size: 230, Foot Length:23cm Size: 235, Foot Length:23.5cm Size: 240, Foot Length:24cm Size: 245, Foot Length:24.5cm Size: 250, Foot Length:25cm Size: 255, Foot Length:25.5cm Size: 260, Foot Length:26cm Size: 265, Foot Length:26.5cm Size: 270, Foot Length:27cm Size: 275, Foot Length:27.5cm Size: 280, Foot Length:28cm Size: 285, Foot Length:28.5cm Size: 290, Foot Length:29cm Size: 295, Foot Length:29.5cm Size: 300, Foot Length:30cm We use size JP throughout our sneaker (measured in mm) products. This is a standardized size chart. Sizes may vary slightly To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.
Price: 95.77 € | Shipping*: 0.0 €
What is sibling rivalry?
Sibling rivalry is a competitive relationship or animosity between siblings, often stemming from jealousy, competition for parental attention, or differences in personalities. It can manifest in various ways, such as arguments, physical fights, or attempts to outdo one another. Sibling rivalry is a common and normal part of growing up, as siblings navigate their relationships and establish their identities within the family dynamic.
What is a sibling rivalry?
Sibling rivalry is a competitive relationship or conflict between siblings, often stemming from jealousy, competition for attention, or differences in personalities. It can manifest in various ways, such as fighting, arguing, or trying to outdo each other. Sibling rivalry is a common and normal part of growing up, as siblings navigate their relationships and establish their own identities within the family dynamic. However, it is important for parents to help manage and mediate sibling rivalry to ensure a healthy and positive sibling relationship.
What is the sibling rivalry issue?
Sibling rivalry is a common issue where siblings compete with each other for attention, love, and resources. It can manifest in various ways, such as jealousy, fighting, and comparison. Sibling rivalry can be a normal part of growing up and can help children learn important social skills, but it can also lead to negative consequences if not managed properly. Parents can help address sibling rivalry by promoting positive communication, setting clear boundaries, and fostering a sense of fairness and equality among siblings.
What is the sibling rivalry problem?
Sibling rivalry is a common issue where siblings compete for attention, love, and resources from their parents. This can lead to jealousy, resentment, and conflict between siblings. It often arises due to perceived favoritism, differences in personalities, or competition for parental approval. Sibling rivalry can have long-lasting effects on family dynamics and relationships if not addressed and managed effectively.
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Adidas Rivalry Low 86 White Gray Gz2556 Rivalry Low 86 cWhite Greone oWhite 280
Dimensions: See product tag Material: 60% natural leather (small), 40% polyester Handling Precautions: See Product Tag size chart Size: 220, Foot Length:22cm Size: 225, Foot Length:22.5cm Size: 230, Foot Length:23cm Size: 235, Foot Length:23.5cm Size: 240, Foot Length:24cm Size: 245, Foot Length:24.5cm Size: 250, Foot Length:25cm Size: 255, Foot Length:25.5cm Size: 260, Foot Length:26cm Size: 265, Foot Length:26.5cm Size: 270, Foot Length:27cm Size: 275, Foot Length:27.5cm Size: 280, Foot Length:28cm Size: 285, Foot Length:28.5cm Size: 290, Foot Length:29cm Size: 295, Foot Length:29.5cm Size: 300, Foot Length:30cm We use size JP throughout our sneaker (measured in mm) products. This is a standardized size chart. Sizes may vary slightly To request a return or exchange, please note that it is mandatory to provide a video of the unpacking of the package.
Price: 69.3 € | Shipping*: 0.0 € -
Russia and America : The Asymmetric Rivalry
In recent times, US-Russia relations have deteriorated to what both sides acknowledge is an “all time low.” Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential election and Putin’s continued support for the Assad regime in Syria have placed enormous strain on this historically tense and complex relationship. In one of the first analyses of the evolving Trump-Putin relationship, leading scholar of Russian foreign policy Andrei P.Tsygankov challenges the dominant view that US-Russia relations have entered a new Cold War phase.Russia’s US strategy, he argues, can only be understood in the context of a changing international order.While America strives to preserve its global dominance, Russia—the weaker power—exploits its asymmetric capabilities and relations with non-Western allies to defend and promote its interests, and to avoid yielding to US pressures.Focusing on key areas of conflict and mutual convergence—from European security to China and the Middle East, as well as cyber, nuclear, and energy issues—Tsygankov paints a nuanced and unsentimental picture of two countries whose ties are likely to remain marked by suspicion and conflict for years to come.
Price: 16.99 £ | Shipping*: 3.99 £ -
Bad Blood : Rivalry and Art History
Why is there so much bad blood involved in the stories of artists and their artworks?Immerse yourself in 18 infamous artistic rivalries, dramatized with gripping moments of narrative, to understand how the rivalries that art fans love to gossip about serve a larger purpose in the way cultures approach the idea of art and the artist.Why did Michelangelo loathe Raphael for decades after the latter had died?How did Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse balance their perpetual competition with a lifelong friendship?What transgression pitted the notorious titans of the London graffiti scene, Banksy and King Robbo, in a rivalry that ended with a tragic and unforeseeable death?An investigative journey transforms some of the “big names” of the art world into real people—often grumpy, ornery, antagonistic, and flawed—and better reveals how all of us respond to art.
Price: 17.99 £ | Shipping*: 3.99 £ -
How To Talk: Siblings Without Rivalry
Do your children argue some of or most of the time?Do you struggle as a parent to manage conflict between them?Then you are not alone - and parenting experts are here to help. Part of the internationally bestselling How to Talk... parenting series, this use -friendly guide is filled with tested and practical guidelines for how to cope with - and deflect - sibling rivalry. Whether your children are struggling with unhealthy competition, or with jealousy and resentment, or you are unsure of how to help as a parent, this accessible book is filled with top tips, relatable stories and forward-thinking techniques designed to transform how your children interact with one another.
Price: 12.99 £ | Shipping*: 3.99 £
Is there a rivalry between Schalke and Leverkusen?
Yes, there is a rivalry between Schalke and Leverkusen, known as the "Rhine derby." The rivalry stems from both clubs being successful in the Bundesliga and competing for similar positions in the league table. Matches between the two teams are often intense and closely contested, adding to the rivalry between the clubs and their fans. Overall, the competitive history and geographical proximity of the two clubs contribute to the intensity of their rivalry.
How to deal most sovereignly with female rivalry?
To deal most sovereignly with female rivalry, it is important to first understand the root cause of the rivalry and address any underlying issues. It is essential to communicate openly and honestly with the individuals involved, encouraging them to express their feelings and concerns. Encouraging collaboration and teamwork rather than competition can help foster a more supportive and positive environment. Setting clear boundaries and expectations for behavior can also help manage any conflicts that arise. Ultimately, promoting mutual respect and understanding can help mitigate female rivalry and create a more harmonious relationship among women.
Is there a rivalry between Bochum and Düsseldorf?
Yes, there is a rivalry between Bochum and Düsseldorf, especially in the realm of football. The two cities have teams that compete in the same league, leading to intense matches and passionate fan bases. The rivalry is fueled by the proximity of the two cities and the history of competitive encounters between their respective teams. Overall, the rivalry adds excitement and intensity to their matches, making them highly anticipated events for fans of both clubs.
How to deal most confidently with female rivalry?
To deal most confidently with female rivalry, it is important to first understand that competition among women is often rooted in societal norms and expectations. It is crucial to avoid falling into the trap of comparing oneself to others and instead focus on building self-confidence and self-worth. Additionally, practicing empathy and understanding towards other women can help foster positive relationships and reduce feelings of rivalry. Setting boundaries and communicating assertively can also help navigate challenging situations with confidence.
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